Photo: Tiffany Bessire

Emma contemplating whether she wanted to be mother made me think about how sometimes I want to crawl back inside my mother. Perhaps, if a mother can choose to have kids, could a child have a choice to be born into this world? I had a conversation with my body after viewing this piece, and I was also inspired about the conversation of a woman's right to her own body.

The Chronic Ache of 26

Inspired by An Ambivalent Woman of 37

by Kenieha Boren 

Inspired by An Ambivalent Woman of 37

She begins to bend,
and fold into a symphony
of joints and ligaments cracking—
her pelvis tilts,
the hip lifts,
her toes pop,
and elbows creak.

Arthritis brews into her hip,
hindering her appeal,
or is it frustration drilling
into the bone?

Just now leaving home— no job..
all alone, sales tax,
broken back, black bones
can’t relax—bend, break, crack.

What’s happening to me?
Nestles into her cheeks,
leaking into the space between her brows—
crinkle, wrinkle, frown,
the downs plastered
on her face.

How long until she bends again?

In so much rage
as she bends to fold scattered clothes.
Nothing matters anymore—
she’s losing breath,
curling back
into herself.

growing small.
Which way is home?
Curved back
into her shell.

Hiding in plain sight

heat and ice; fire burning—shocks.
Life’s a lot for her brain

sending signals tingling down

her spine from lumbar to tarsal bones.

She’s all grown up,
but stuck in fetal position,
the safest place is
rocking into stillness,
contracting in time.

A lot is on her mind—
crime, lies, time travel.
There’s nothing to eat.
She’s losing sleep


How long until
She's just like her mother?

How long until
She’s cracking  open?

Kenieha Boren
Kenieha Boren, known as Kenny Rae, is a poet and spoken word artist from Nashville. After a spiritual awakening, she embraced poetry for healing. Kenny Rae has performed for three years and hosted events like “Self Discovery Through Spoken Word” and “Write & Release: Sound Bath and Poetry Reading.” Notable performances include Clit Tips and the Kindling Arts Festival, where she performed Letter to Jacob with tap dancer Brendan Pinkett.
OZ Arts Nashville presents Art Wire: an ongoing collaboration between OZ Arts and The Porch in which 10 writers attend the OZ Arts performance season and respond to the presentations through original writing that is personal, playful, and deeply engaged. The OZ Arts 2019-2020 season offers each Art Wire Fellow a diverse array of inspiration, including innovative Japanese dance artist Hiroaki Umeda; a genre-bending presentation of Frankenstein by Chicago-based company Manual Cinema; and two emotionally raw works with Nashville's own professional dance company, New Dialect, just to name a few.

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